Employee Self-Service

City of Springfield, Illinois ~ Misty Buscher, Mayor

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For City Of Springfield employees only. Unauthorized use is prohibited.



Note: You do not need to log in to view Citywide Benefits information, City forms, Safety and Wellness information, and Announcements. You only need to log in to view your personal information.

1. Open your browser (e.g., Internet Explorer) and go to the website https://ess.springfield.il.us/, then click on "LOGIN ESS".

2. Type your User Name and Password. Your User Name will be either your network login name or your first initial and last name. Your Initial Password will be a combination of the letters “ess” and the last four digits of your SS#: for example, if the last four digits of your SS# are 1234, your password would be ess1234.

If you have previously changed your password and do not remember that password, follow the instructions in the Forgot Your ESS Password section.

3. Click on "LOGIN".

Note: This password re-set feature will work only if you have previously Set Your ESS Password Reset Questions and Answers. If you do not remember your ESS password and you have not previously set up your ESS password reset questions and answers, contact Human Resources at 217-789-2446.

1. Open your browser (e.g., Internet Explorer) and go to the website https://ess.springfield.il.us/, then click on "LOGIN ESS".


3. Type your user name which is either your network login name or your first initial and last name and click on "SUBMIT".

An e-mail will be sent to your City e-mail address where you may re-enter ESS. You may access your City e-mail outside of work using this link: https://webmail.cwlp.com/owa/auth/logon.aspx?url=https://webmail.cwlp.com/owa/&reason=0#. After you have received a new password using this feature, you may wish to change your password to something more memorable. To change your password, see the Change Your ESS Password section.

1. Once you are logged in to Employee Self Service, click on "PASSWORD MANAGEMENT".

2. Click on the "SET PASSWORD HINT TAB".

3. Use the drop down arrows to select the security questions you wish to use. Type your answers to those questions in each of the Answer fields. Click on "SUBMIT".

Your password reset questions and answers are now set.

If you forget your ESS password in the future, you will be able to use the Forgot Your ESS Password link at any time 24/7 to reset your password. You will be prompted to answer your security questions and if answered correctly, a new ESS password will be e-mailed to your work e-mail address. You may access your work e-mail outside of work using this link: https://webmail.cwlp.com/owa/auth/logon.aspx?url=https://webmail.cwlp.com/owa/&reason=0#.

1. Once you are logged in to Employee Self Service, click on "PASSWORD MANAGEMENT".

2. Type your current password in the Old Password field, then type your new password in both the New Password and Verify New Password fields. Click on "CHANGE PASSWORD".

3. Your password has been changed. You can "X" out of this pop up window.