Employee Self-Service

City of Springfield, Illinois ~ Misty Buscher, Mayor

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Deferred Compensation

  Contact Information

Please contact the vendor directly with questions regarding the following: enrollment, investments, withdrawals, loans, rollovers, start, stop, change and cancel transactions. You must contact the deferred comp representative first to activate or change a payroll deduction.

   Horace Mann

Katie Hageman

Hageman Family Insurance, LLC
Agency Owner, Horace Mann Hall of Fame, MDRT
109 N 7th Street Suite #2A Springfield, IL 62701


Jake Perkins | IPPFA Benefits

1701 E. Lake Ave., Suite 400


David Jones, CFP | AIG Retirement | Valic Financial Advisors, Inc.

500 W. Madison St, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60661
  (217) 714-2862 - cell phone


Jim Gibbs

3161 West White Oaks Drive, Suite 102
Springfield, IL 62704
  (217) 679-1737 ext 103 - Office Phone
  (217) 899-1249 - cell

  Plan For Your Retirement - A Little More Now May Mean A Lot More Later
  Worry Less About Tomorrow With Retirement Solutions From AXA


Dale Blankenship


Christen Owen


Dan Stewart


430 East Vine
Springfield, IL 62703
  (217) 525-9500
  (217) 528-1526

  City of Springfield Deferred Compensation 457 Plan